The Gender and Development Resource Center (GADRC), in partnership with Indang Association of Person with Disability, Inc. (IAPWDI), conducted a seminar titled “VAW Laws (RA 7877 and RA 11313),” June 15, at the GADRC Babaylan Training Room.
GADRC Director Dr. Susan G. Tan served as the resource speaker in which she discussed VAW Laws particularly the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA 7877) and the Safe Spaces Act (RA 11313). Sexual harassment, according to Dr. Tan, can occur in schools and the workplace. She emphasized that the victim’s perception of the situation as wanted or unwanted determines whether it is sexual harassment. She explained that according to R.A. 7877, the legislation only applies to the workplace and educational and training institutions, where workers, applicants, students, and those receiving training are potential victims of sexual harassment, and sexual offenders are those in positions of power or authority.
Dr. Tan defined sexual harassment as “uninvited verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature” and categorizes it into three types: verbal, nonverbal, and physical. Dr. Tan encouraged the participants to reject the advance forcefully but politely, yet loudly and conspicuously enough for possible witnesses to hear and see.
Moreover, Dr. Tan explained that RA 7877 is restricted to the context of work, education, and/or training; while the RA 11313 encompasses the street, public areas, and cyberspace, and the perpetrators/offenders are defined as any individual regardless of status or position.
Dr. Tan also discussed gender-based online sexual harassment, stating that victims are harassed or abused through sexually explicit or offensive content, threats, or unwanted approaches through online platforms. She also elaborated on the penalties for sexual harassment.