GADRC, support center for minority groups including LGBTQ+ community FACILITIES image1 Gender and Development Resource Center Office image2 Receiving Area image3 GAD Corner image5 GAD Library image4 GAD Library image6 Lactation / Breastfeeding Station image7 Lactation / Breastfeeding Station image8 Babaylan Training Room image9 Babaylan Training Room image10 Personnel’s Workstation image11 Personnel’s Workstation image12 Office of the Director FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION image1 Dr. Susan G. Tan delivered the opening remarks. image2 Dr. Almira G. Magcawas supervised the Focus Group Discussion. image3 Mr. Florian de Borja PWD representative image4 Mr. Angelito Salubong LGBTQIA++ Representative image5 Ms. Concepcion B. Agarin, Senior Citizen Representative image6 Ms. Marie Shiela A. Haloc delivered the closing remarks. image7 The participants of the Focus Group Discussion. TRAINING OF TRAINERS image1 The registration of the participants image2 Dr. Susan G. Tan, Director, GADRC, delivering the opening message image3 Dr. Susan G. Tan, Director, GADRC, delivering the opening message image4 Ms. Raecel A. Estebat, In-Charge for Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation served as moderator for this activity image5 Ms. Eloisa B. Rozul, Head, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, delivered the closing message image6 Ms. Eloisa B. Rozul, Head, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, delivered the closing message image7 Ms. Mayfourth D. Luneta image8 Ms. Eena Geslaine A. Barrun image9 Ms. Jelyne F. Gealone image10 Ms. Nathalie Malabato-Saguido image11 Ms. Marjorie R. Romero image12 Ms. Lieke Goojier image13 Groupings: Team Makisig image14 Groupings: Team Matatag image15 Groupings: Team Gorgeous image16 Ms. Eena Geslaine A. Barrun discussing the BDRRM Strengthening CBDRRM image17 Ms. Jelyne F. Gealone discussing the Local and Philppine Disaster Situation image18 Ms. Nathalie Malabato-Saguido discussing how to perform the cardiopulmonary resuscitation properly image19 Ms. Lieke Goojier discussing the basic water safety and rescue image20 Ms. Mayfourth D. Luneta discussing the Mainstreaming Gender in DRRM image21 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image22 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image23 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image24 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image25 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image26 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image27 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image28 Activity 1: Local Disaster Timeline image29 Activity 2: Geological Hazard image30 Activity 2: Geological Hazard image31 Activity 2: Geological Hazard image32 Activity 2: Geological Hazard image33 Activity 2: Geological Hazard image34 Activity 3: Hazard and Resource Map Making image35 Activity 3: Hazard and Resource Map Making image36 Activity 3: Hazard and Resource Map Making image37 Activity 3: Hazard and Resource Map Making image38 Activity 3: Hazard and Resource Map Making image39 Activity 3: Hazard and Resource Map Making image40 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image41 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image42 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image43 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image44 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image45 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image46 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image47 Activity 4: Aling Nena Store image48 Activity 5: BDRRMC Structure image49 Activity 5: BDRRMC Structure image77 Pledge of Commitment image85 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image84 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image83 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image82 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image81 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image80 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image79 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image78 Participant’s Evaluation/Reaction image91 Participants image90 Participants image89 Participants image88 Participants image87 Participants image86 Participants image92 A group photo with the partnered agencies of GADRC: Center for Disaster Preparedness, Province of Cavite, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, Provincial Persons with Disability Affairs Office, and Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office