An orientation on gender and development was conducted by the University’s GAD Resource Center among CvSU Administrators via Zoom Video Conferencing and Facebook Live last December 9 and 14, 2020.
Dr. Ma. Agnes P. Nuestro, Vice President for Academic Affairs, delivered the welcome message on behalf of the University President, Dr. Hernando D. Robles. In her message, Dr. Nuestro said that thru the webinar, the participants will be enlightened on the important issues of gender and development, hence, they could properly address gender issues affecting their respective offices, units and colleges/campuses. Moreover, they can use appropriate resources to come up with relevant and excellent results and achievements that would further the cause of gender equality in the university.
Ms. Raecel A. Estebat discussed the house rules, objectives of the activity, and the results of the pretest answered by the participants. She also introduced the resource speakers.
Ms. Genesis Giselle T. Baseleres, a certified CALABARZON GAD Resource Pool Member and a University Research Associate II of the University of the Philippines – Los Baños, discussed Basic GAD Orientation while Ms. Renifer R. Franciso, a certified National GAD Resource Pool Member of Philippine Commission on Women and Education Supervisor II of CHED ROIV, discussed Gender Mainstreaming and GAD Planning and Budgeting.
For the second day, Ms. Lovely S. Mores, a certified National GAD Resource Pool Member of PCW and Senior Economic Development Specialist of NEDA ROIV, explained the importance of using the Gender Analysis and Gender Analysis Tools in all programs of the university.
Dr. Susan G. Tan, Training and Extension Services Unit Head of GAD-RC, delivered the closing message. She stated that with the topics discussed during the two-day webinar, all the participants had a grasp of what gender and development is. She further challenged the participants to embrace recognition as the best implementer of GAD among SUCs in CALABARZON in terms of gender mainstreaming. She also highlighted Ms. Francisco’s message that everybody is part of one team composed of the different colleges, campuses, and units of the university and that this fight to mainstream GAD is indeed a collaborative effort.