The Office of the University Registrar (OUR), together with the Office of the Vice President for Planning and Development (OVPPD) Management Information System (MIS) Unit, conducted a 3-day workshop/training on the management and utilization of the CvSU Enrolment System.
Prof. Russel L. Villacarlos, resource person and Head of the MIS Unit, OVPPD, demonstrated the installation, configuration, usage and debugging of the server and enrolment system. Meanwhile, Mr. Rabii Randelson A. Guevarra from the Office of the University Registrar, discussed the enrollment processes which include assessment, registration and enrollment validation. Ms. Edwina O. Roderos, University Registrar, accommodated the questions and inquiries of the participants and also reminded them about the guidelines and processes of enrollment. Prof. Mark Philip M. Sy, an IT professor who developed the CvSU Admission System, presented the data from the admission system that are necessary for student enrollment.
The workshop/training was held at the Central Computer Laboratory, DIT Bldg., College of Engineering and Information Technology on August 22, 23 and 25, 2022; and was attended by MIS staff, IT staff, and campus registrars from the satellite campuses of the University.