As part of the Demonstrating and Advancing Acquisition of Tagalog (DANAS Tagalog) project, eleven (11) students and professors from the Northern Illinois University had the opportunity to learn about the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in promoting and mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD).
On June 7, 2023, Dr. Susan G. Tan, GADRC Director, shared CvSU’s best practices in mainstreaming GAD, highlighting that the university has been recognized four times in a row as the Most Outstanding State University in GAD Implementation within the Calabarzon Region. Dr. Tan then discussed some of the practices that helped the university become more gender-responsive and inclusive, such as incorporating GAD principles into instruction, research, extension, and operational support.
Ms. Rhodalyne Crail, a professor at the Northern Illinois University, said that their university also organizes training sessions and seminars on VAWC (Violence against Women and Children) and Anti-Sexual Harassment, which are necessary for both students and faculty members to attend. She commended CvSU’s advocacy song which promotes gender equality, fairness, and justice. (MCPSioco and JKRebutazo)