The Cavite State University (CvSU) Gender and Development Resource Center (GADRC) conducted the Workshop on the Preparation of the 2023 Gender and Development Accomplishment Report (GADAR) on January 17-18, 2024 at the GAD Resource Center Audio-Visual Room.
This workshop aimed to enhance the participants’ knowledge and skills in preparing GAD accomplishment report, and raise awareness about the importance of aligning it with the approved GAD plan and budget.
Ms. Maria Czarina P. Sioco, In-Charge for Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation, delivered the opening message as she expressed her excitement to work together to enhance the skills and knowledge in documenting GAD initiatives.
Ms. Raecel A. Estebat, Head, Training and Courseware Development Division, Extension Services, oriented the participants on the Guidelines for Preparing the GADAR. She provided a brief overview of the definitions of the ten columns included in the GADAR and presented a sample template to help participants visualize the form. Ms. Estebat thoroughly explained each column, and presented the list of means of verification to guide participants on the necessary supporting documents.
In the afternoon, participants began working on their 2022 GADAR, with Ms. Estebat actively assisting and answering their questions. Common issues encountered included the computation of salary reflection, the cost of supplies and materials per activity, and the categorization of activity participants. Participants then prepared their respective 2023 GADARs.

On the second day, participants presented their 2023 GADARs, receiving comments and suggestions from Ms. Estebat to improve their reports. Following feedback, participants revised their outputs before submission.

Ms. Sioco delivered the closing message as she extended her heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their active participation and dedication over the past two days. She hoped that the workshop equipped GAD Coordinators and Alternates with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively prepare GAD reports, ensuring that these are aligned with their approved plans and budgets. This activity not only strengthened the participants’ capability in preparing GAD reports but also highlighted the importance of gender-responsive budgeting and reporting within the university’s framework.