Mr. Albert Aquino of St. Catherine Family Helper Project in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental visited the Cavite State University (CvSU) – Sugar Palm Research, Information and Trade (SPRINT) Center on 07 April 2022 to seek technical consultation on the management of sugar palm (kaong) in Mt. Talinis. During his visit, SPRINT Director Junser P. Magpantay shared the current initiatives of the University in the development of a sustainable, equitable, and environment-friendly sugar palm industry. Director Magpantay also imparted the technology used by the Center in the production of granulated kaong brown sugar, which is derived from freshly harvested kaong sap and has a low glycemic index. Mr. Aquino also visited the facilities of the Center on kaong sugar and vinegar production, kaong seedling germination area, and nursery . An ocular survey of the kaong population inside the University was also conducted.
Mr. Aquino and Director Magpantay agreed to come up with a program for managing the kaong along Mt. Talinis, Negros Oriental to support the local community through the technology of SPRINT Center. (JLBHerrera)