An orientation on CvSU Policies for New Security Provider was held successfully on April 30, 2022, at the S.M. Rolle Hall. The University Civil Security Services collaborated with the Gender and Development Resource Center to educate the new security providers on the university’s policies.
Mr. Romulo Gomez, Director, CvSU Civil Security Services, delivered his warm welcome to the new security provided and hoped that everyone would enjoy and learn at the same time.
Ms. Raecel A. Estebat, In-charge for GAD Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation, spoke on Gender Sensitivity. She thoroughly discussed the difference between sex and gender, gender division of labor, agents of gender socialization and the gender issues in the society.
Dr. Susan G. Tan, Director, GAD Resource Center, talked about the Safe Spaces Act. She briefly highlighted the origin of this law, the concept of sexual harassment as well as its different forms. She also warned all the security personnel to be mindful of their words and actions.
Ms. Joeneth R. Reblora, Administrative and Logistics Manager, Advanced Remote Managed Security Services, Inc. (ARMSS), made the closing remarks. She reminded the security personnel that they are the partners of ARMSS’s in ensuring safety and protection of the university’s stakeholders.
Ms. Maria Czarina P. Sioco, In-Charge for Data Banking and Publication, GADRC, moderated the orientation which was attended by 50 newly hired security providers. (MCPSioco)