Aiming to demonstrate the use of the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) in assessing the extent of each campus’, college’s, or unit’s gender mainstreaming efforts and identify areas for improvement, the university’s Gender and Development Resource Center held a workshop on the preparation of the GMEF Means of Verification (MOVs) on February 1-2, 2023, at the Babaylan Training Room, GADRC.
On the first day of the workshop, Ms. Raecel A. Estebat, GADRC In-charge for Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation, discussed the Orientation on the Preparation of GMEF MOVs. She mainly highlighted the four (4) Entry Points of GMEF; Policy, People, Enabling Mechanism, and Projects/Activities/Programs (PAPs); and also discussed the Levels of Gender Mainstreaming.
Ms. Estebat explained that the GMEF has a total of 93 descriptors and has a scoring option determined by ‘No’, ‘Partly Yes’, and ‘Yes’. She also emphasized each descriptor should be supported by means of verification for validation of the scores.
During the discussion, Ms. Estebat gently reminded the participants to be mindful of understanding what each descriptor is looking for to avoid the misplacement of MOVs and she provided samples of MOVs that the participants can use to serve as their guide.
The attendees proceeded with the preparation of their respective college/campus/units GMEF tables and its corresponding MOVs and uploaded them to the designated folders in google drive on the second day of the activity. (GCRSison)