In a spirit of collaboration and knowledge exchange, the Minority and Multicultural Unit of the De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI) embarked on a benchmarking activity at the Cavite State University’s (CvSU) Gender and Development Resource Center (GADRC) on October 25, 2023, at the Board Room, CvSU Administration Building, Indang, Cavite.
Dr. Hernando D. Robles, CEO VI, University President, along with the CvSU employees (from GADRC and Public Affairs and Communications Office) warmly welcomed the visitors from DLSMHSI. The delegation from DLSMHSI sought to gain insight into CvSU’s Gender Responsiveness Curricular Program, including Pedagogical Support Guidelines (PSGs), educational materials, and faculty training initiatives. The objective was to understand and adapt best practices that could be seamlessly integrated into their own academic landscape.
Ms. Maria Czarina P. Sioco, In-Charge for Data Banking and Publication, GADRC, led the sharing session, providing a comprehensive overview of CvSU’s best practices in gender and development. She particularly highlighted the institution’s achievements through the four (4) entry points of the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF), demonstrating how gender responsiveness permeates through various facets of the university such as gender-responsive curriculum, faculty training, institutional mechanisms, and research and extension services. Ms. Sioco emphasized that CvSU’s remarkable achievements in gender and development were made possible through unwavering support from the top management wherein, recognition highlights the crucial role that leadership commitment plays in successfully implementing and sustaining gender-responsive programs.

The benchmarking activity concluded with an exchange of ideas, fostering a sense of collaboration and shared commitment to advancing gender equality. The delegation from the DLSMHSI expressed gratitude for the enriching experience, with plans to implement newfound insights within their institution. (MCPSioco)